Looping though an IMAP-Folder, batch freezes
Date: Wed, 6 Mar 2019 12:37:46 +0100
first at all i must say that i am completely new to curl.
I want to use it as follows:
- Connect to an IMAP-Folder
- Loop Through the folder and export every email to a text file.
Therefor I am creating and running the following .bat-file from an
MS-Access-Application (VBA) with WshShell.Exec:
/set Timestamp=2019-03-06_12-15-38_80//
//for /l %%x in (2, 1, 69) do (//
//curl --insecure --url "imaps://;UID=%%x"
--netrc-file [Path-to-file] -o cURL_FetchEmail_%Timestamp%_UID_%%x.txt//
//move [Source-path]\cURL_FetchEmail_%Timestamp%_UID_%%x.txt
//curl --insecure --url "imaps://;UID=%%x"
--netrc-file [Path-to-file] -X "UID STORE %%x -Flags \Deleted"//
If i start the .bat-file manually from the folder where it is created,
it runs without problems. But when i start it with VBA it freezes after
a few loops (The first few textfiles are created).
There sure is a better way to do this like looping through the
IMAP-Folder directly with the curl-command or sequence numbers? I didn't
really get along with the syntax.
Any help is appreciated.
Kind regards,
Received on 2019-03-06