Re: URL parsing for the command line tool?
Date: Thu, 16 Aug 2018 15:45:46 +0200 (CEST)
On Wed, 15 Aug 2018, David Niklas wrote:
> Please try something more real world (even contrived). Why would you want to
> change hosts? Your example makes no sense to me.
I was just trying to provoke thoughts and ideas, I didn't have any particular
use case in mind.
Features we can consider:
1. host-specific sections in config files. So .curlrc can specify for example
a specific user-agent to use only when connecting to and a
different user-agent for
2. command-line variables based on the most recently used URL. If you want to
save the output from a download in a directory named as the host name with the
file name part also from the URL:
"curl -o "%{url_host}/%{url_file}".
> export in1="../download.html"
> for i in DragonFlyBSD FreeBSD NetBSD; do
> curl --base-url $base --output-url - $in1 "#" $i | ./
> done
Or just a way to apply a relative URL on the absolute one before it is used:
curl --rel-url "../here/it/is" -O
That could be fun for those who download a HTML page and want to download
something that is pointed to with a relative URL within that.
curl $url > raw.html
for i in $all_hrefs; do
curl $url --rel-url "$i" -O
> As an award for your work on curl I award you, the extra large virtual happy
> face.
Thank you!
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