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Re: how do I press a button?

From: David Colter <>
Date: Thu, 9 Aug 2018 13:48:33 -0400


> On Aug 9, 2018, at 12:36 PM, ToddAndMargo <> wrote:
> I have got it up right now (Firefox, tools, Web Developer, Network).
> I am now trying to figure out what I am seeing.
> All I want to do is see the data that pops up by default
> on that form. I do not want to actually do anything with
> the form.

Then look into the Network tab, the browser page requests could be filtered, so click on All (top right) and click on your button. A bunch of rows should show up in the Network tab. Click on one of them to reveal more specific information about them on the right side. "Headers" is a good one, because it shows what the request looked like. This will contain most of what you need in order to mimic the request using curl.

> Can you confirm for me that all I need to do is to figure out
> how to click the button?

When you click the button, the browser executes whatever the button was programmed to to. Ultimately, that probably means to requesting a page or multiple pages (depending on what you want to see).

> And, does this data also come down to me in the "--output",
> or do I need to ask curl for something else?

You need to pay attention to the following items of the browser request to use curl: 1) the header, 2) the cookies, 3) the request type - GET or POST, and 4) the URL. Then you build a curl request to mimic this request. I suggest learning about verbose output, because you'll need to see the same items in the both the browser developer navigation and curl's verbose.

What you are diving into has a steep learning curve. Hang on, and eventually you will gain an understanding.


Received on 2018-08-09