Smart-Host Username Bug
Date: Sun, 4 Feb 2018 19:25:56 +0000 (UTC)
I originally posted to Citadel and after they verified they could reproduce the issue they directed me to here. The issue I am having deals with using a smart-host. I'm imputing a URI with a user name, password, smart-host domain, and port. I use my smart-host to get around my ISP blocking port 25 (and for spam filtering), and my smart-host uses SMTP authentication to deal with my dynamic IP address when I send email. Unfortunately, my smart-host uses an email address as a username. When i use this username, it causes unexpected results due to the @ symbol in the user name. Here is basically what I'm trying to input:
When i try to send mail, it does a DNS lookup, but not properly. It bases its lookup off of the first @ symbol, so it looks up ""
Obviously that fails. Just for testing I added that to my DNS server with the correct IP for that DNS name at the time, and it seemed to accept that. However, when it connects to the smart-host I get a Login Denied, so i think its passing the credentials incorrectly too. Here are the relevant logs
This is before I manually made a DNS entry for the incorrect request:
citserver[12220]: smtpclient: 381 attempting delivery now
citserver[12220]: smtpclient: smtp_attempt_delivery(380,
citserver[12220]: smtpclient: trying smtp://
citserver[12220]: smtpclient: libcurl returned 6 (Couldn't resolve host name) , SMTP response 0
citserver[12220]: smtpclient: recp: <> , result: 421 (Domain service not available, closing transmission channel)
citserver[12220]: smtpclient: submission age: 0d0h0m27s
This is after I made a DNS entry for the incorrect request:
citserver[12220]: smtpclient: 386 attempting delivery now
citserver[12220]: smtpclient: smtp_attempt_delivery(385,
citserver[12220]: smtpclient: trying smtp://
citserver[12220]: smtpclient: libcurl returned 67 (Login denied) , SMTP response 250
citserver[12220]: smtpclient: recp: <> , result: 250 (Requested mail action completed and OK)
citserver[12220]: smtpclient: submission age: 0d0h0m17s
Is there any work around or any way to fix this using quotes or some other method?
Thank you very much in advance. I've been trying to chase down a solution for a couple weeks or so now.
Received on 2018-02-04