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Distributing CURL binary and Licensing

From: Edditoria via curl-users <>
Date: Thu, 26 Oct 2017 20:22:49 +0800

Hi all,

I'm writing some scripts to automate application installation for new computers.

Here's my repo:

I read the FAQ[1] but I'm afraid I may misunderstand licenses and
distribution terms, so I want to know what I should do to make things


- I need CURL as a tool to download files from official site e.g.
- I have to make sure that users do not need extra package install
(e.g. no need python or update powershell in Windows XP)
- I'm going to include a binary file (curl.exe) and cert file
(curl-ca-bundle.crt) from curl-7.56.1-win32-mingw.7z built by Mr.
Viktor Szakáts.
- My repo is in MIT license. I hope anyone can use it (open or close
source, profit or non-profit, whatever)

So, my questions are:

1. Is it okay that I put the exe file directly in my Github repo? (Or
some better ways?)
2. Is it one or two licenses I need to take care? (CURL build and Mr.
Szakáts's build?)
3. Will the MIT license in my repo change to other type of license
automatically? (e.g. force others to open-source their code)

Thank you for help!

Received on 2017-10-26