Re: [Need your help] Very weird issue: why does curl close the http connection with slow networks?
From: A Abc via curl-users <>
Date: Wed, 19 Apr 2017 08:38:44 +0000 (UTC)
Received on 2017-04-19
Date: Wed, 19 Apr 2017 08:38:44 +0000 (UTC)
sorry, forgot the attachments.
On Wednesday, April 19, 2017 4:37 PM, A Abc <> wrote:
hi Daniel,
Thanks for your reply.
-- I also suspect the issue is from server side. But did you see the wireshark snapshot attached on my second email. (I also attached the snapshot in the current email) It's curl who sends the FIN+ACK to server side, then server side sends back ACK. So, is it possible that server side triggers the connection closing, but client side(curl) sends the FIN+ACK first, then server side sends ACK?This is out of knowledge. on the snapshot, is the client side(curl), is the http server side. -- For the case, that you said you don't understand this point.What I want to say is that:From the beginning of that email, we can suspect that, curl may close the connection, due to no any data traffic between curl and server for about 1.5second. But with my test application, it proved that, curl will not close the connection even there is no any data traffic bewteen curl and server for 5 second. I will appreciate your more information. Thanks On Saturday, April 15, 2017 5:00 AM, Daniel Stenberg <> wrote: On Thu, 13 Apr 2017, A Abc via curl-users wrote: > curl: (18) transfer closed with 682811 bytes remaining to read If you didn't specify a timeout, this is *the server* (or something in your network) closing the connection before the transfer was complete. But when curl does this due to a timeout, it is supposed to return a time-out error message so I'm inclined to say this was someone else closing the connection. > chrome(v57.0.2987) has similar issue. ... which I think only enforces the suspicion that this is not a client-side problem. > then, I add a test API on server applicaiton, it will write some bytes into > response, then sleep 5 seconds, then continue to write response. But curl is > waiting here, no broken, no FIN+ACK. I don't understand this point. -- / ----------------------------------------------------------- Unsubscribe: Etiquette: