Compile cURL Adding HTTP2
Date: Sat, 5 Nov 2016 09:34:18 -0400
Hello all,
For years, I have been reading posts here. Now comes the time to compile and run for myself. I manage a VPS hosted server. Recently, I came across an issue while trying to begin sending messages to Apple’s Push Notification Service. This server had 2 shortfalls: 1) OpenSSL was not recent enough and 2) cURL needs to use HTTP2.
I found instructions to compile update both OpenSSL and cURL. Following the instructions for OpenSSL and entering:
[~/src/openssl-1.0.2j]# ./config -fpic shared && make && make test && make install
and a mountain of terminal data later, the bottom line was:
OpenSSL shared libraries have been installed in:
Two last commands in the instructions (not yet completed):
[~/src/openssl-1.0.2j]# echo “/usr/local/ssl/lib” >> /etc/
[~/src/openssl-1.0.2j]# ldconfig
Now, OpenSSL reports version:
[~]# openssl version
OpenSSL 1.0.2j 26 Sep 2016
The instructions for building curl uses:
(This installs cURL in /usr/local/bin/curl)
cd /root/src
tar -xzvf curl-*.tar.gz
cd curl-*
./configure —with-ssl=/usr/local/ssl —disable-ldap
make install
System cURL version currently is:
[~]# curl -V
curl 7.48.0 (x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu) libcurl/7.48.0 OpenSSL/1.0.1e zlib/1.2.3 c-ares/1.10.0 libidn/1.18 libssh2/1.4.2
Protocols: dict file ftp ftps gopher http https imap imaps ldap ldaps pop3 pop3s rtsp scp sftp smb smbs smtp smtps telnet tftp
Features: AsynchDNS IDN IPv6 Largefile GSS-API Kerberos SPNEGO NTLM NTLM_WB SSL libz UnixSockets Metalink
I intend to use 7.50.
So, the question is, what is the configure command to keep the same configuration except for adding HTTP2 and using the newer OpenSSL?
Thank you for reviewing.
List admin:
Received on 2016-11-05