cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-users / Single Mail


curl known bug formerly known as number 88

From: Jenkins, Peter (SLSA) <>
Date: Thu, 28 Jul 2016 23:57:51 +0000

In December 2014 I asked about using the -R or --remote-time option when downloading files from a SFTP server.

My problem was that even when using the -R option, the downloaded files were getting timestamped with the date/time of downloading, not the date/time of the remote files.

Daniel replied:

> Yeah, I took a look now and it seems we actually don't support -R when
> downloading from SFTP.
> I've added this to the KNOWN_BUGS document just now as I can't take this on
> myself in the short term. I would of course love it if you or someone else
> would step in and help us add this missing code.

After that, this bug was listed on the Known Bugs page as number 88.

Since the recent rearrangement of the known bugs to group them into the thirteen categories, that bug seems to have disappeared.

Has the bug been forgotten and not made it into the new listing, or has it been fixed?


Peter Jenkins
Coordinator Digital Assets
State Library of South Australia

List admin:
Received on 2016-07-29