cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-users / Single Mail


simple question -- i must be missing something

From: bruce <>
Date: Wed, 3 Feb 2016 10:58:19 -0500


Trying to figure out how to capture content from the following url. As
far as I can tell using FF/Livehtpheaders/etc... it's a get that
should be implemented. Basically, trying to figure out how to
programatically get the career/term as listed in the page.

using the following urls:

In a browser, the displayed content lists the career (undergrad/grad),
and term data fields.

Using the
   --the term(s) can be gotten.

However, I'm at a loss as to how to get the career.

When you look (using the source) of the browser, you can see the
career/term from the "" url

However, I can't seem to generate a curl to get the same results

Since the site, allows the user to get to the class, via the main
page, guest page, class page, a test using curl to simulate that
process didn't work either..

So, what simple thing eludes me!

Any pointers would be good!


curl -A "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux x86_64; en-US; rv:
Gecko/2009061118 Fedora/3.0.11-1.fc9 Firefox/3.0.11" --cookie-jar
wsu.lwp --cookie wsu.lwp -L ""

curl -A "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux x86_64; en-US; rv:
Gecko/2009061118 Fedora/3.0.11-1.fc9 Firefox/3.0.11" --cookie-jar
wsu.lwp --cookie wsu.lwp -e "" -L

curl -A "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux x86_64; en-US; rv:
Gecko/2009061118 Fedora/3.0.11-1.fc9 Firefox/3.0.11" --cookie-jar
wsu.lwp --cookie wsu.lwp -e "" -L
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Received on 2016-02-03