Re: It seems that the ftp repospons is so slow than http.
Date: Sat, 9 May 2015 09:05:50 +0800
2015-05-09 4:06 GMT+08:00 Dan Fandrich <>:
> On Fri, May 08, 2015 at 10:00:14PM +0800, Hongyi Zhao wrote:
>> Hi Daniel,
>> I running the following two commands:
>> curl
>> and
>> curl -L
>> It seems the the second one response more fast the first one. Why the
>> repospons from ftp for curl is so slow than http?
> For large downloads over low-latency connections, ftp should not be
> significantly slower. But for shorter downloads over high latency connections,
> the extra setup time for ftp connections can dominate the transfer time.
> If you use the -v option, you'll quickly see why. ftp by default executes a
> single CWD command (which means a network round trip) for every directory
> component, plus it requires extra round trips for authentication and metadata
> discovery, then it also opens a second TCP connection (with its 3 round trips)
> for the data transfer (which goes through TCP's slow start mechanism). You can
> shave some of that off by using --ftp-method NOCWD (or SINGLECWD) if the server
> supports it, but ftp is always going to inherently take (at least) slightly
> longer.
Thanks for your hints.
>>>> Dan
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-- Hongyi Zhao <> Xinjiang Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry Chinese Academy of Sciences GnuPG DSA: 0xD108493 ------------------------------------------------------------------- List admin: FAQ: Etiquette: on 2015-05-09