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RE: big docs (was Re: Limits to curl command....)

From: Rodrigo Zanatta Silva <>
Date: Fri, 16 Jan 2015 22:15:33 -0200

> I'm always open for actual ideas on how to improve the docs and make
> it easier to learn from, but what is important to some are never used by
> others and vice versa...

Lol... I understand... But my idea was: continue having the big docs. A
good and big program like curl need it.

But... Why not write a NEW doc, smaller with only the
most commonly used options. Yeah... this is a difficult..

And I only read this page <>. Do a
"man curl" in console is not good because it is big, so I do a "man curl
in google :D

By the way, I can't help with it. My english is not so good :( Maybe if you
like it, others peoples can help.

List admin:
Received on 2015-01-17