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Re: curl ipv6 command line questions

From: Daniel Stenberg <>
Date: Thu, 6 Nov 2014 17:32:32 +0100 (CET)

On Thu, 6 Nov 2014, Jemiolo, John wrote:

> curl -x "" --interface eth1 http://[IPv6 Address]/path <--DOES NOT WORK for
> IPV6 seems to just hang forever.

I suspect this is because it binds the local end first and possibly it finds
the IPv4 address first and binds that, and then it goes on to do the connect
and there it finds and uses the IPv6 address. The v4-v6 mix then doesn't fly.

That's my quick theory at least, haven't investigated this deeper yet.

> Now why "%25eth1" works I do not know, I cannot find this usage in any of
> the curl doc's (I tried this because I use this ssh'ing to ipv6 hosts.

We should probably document that in the initial URL section of the man page...

> Also the "-g" option, its use seems not to have any effect when using IPv6
> addresses, what is its correct usage?

-g switches off globbing, it should work the same way IPv6 or not.

Before 7.37.0, numerical IPv6 addresses couldn't be used in URLs together with
globbing as it got confused by the necessary []-symbols so you needed to use
-g then, but since then it should be fine.

List admin:
Received on 2014-11-06