cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-users / Single Mail


Re: To know more about cURL

From: Daniel Stenberg <>
Date: Sun, 22 Jun 2014 00:13:28 +0200 (CEST)

On Thu, 19 Jun 2014, Pawan Kumar wrote:

> Dear Sir,

You mailed a mailing list. There are over 700 recepients of your mail.

> I wanted to make a program to download a file from server of a particular
> link and i made using the cURL but i want explore more how exactly download
> load a file using socket level API.

libcurl is not a "socket level API" though. It is more a "URL level API".

Also, please use the curl-library list for details and quetions about libcurl
the library.

> It will very helpful if you let me know which part of coding responsible for
> downloading the file. I know it is open source but it is very difficult for
> me to understand whole code. It will be very helpful if you let me know what
> exact file and line responsible for downloading a file.

lib/transfer.c is probably what you're looking for. But I don't think libcurl
is a very good example to look at if you just want to understand how to write
a socket reading/writing program.


List admin:
Received on 2014-06-22