Logging into with a Tcl+cURL script -- (broken script posted)
Date: Sun, 20 Apr 2014 15:00:02 +0200 (CEST)
TIAA-CREF has a two step login process. The first form accepts
username only, and the next page asks for a password and an extra
security question (which never changes).
The script below is able to send the username and get a form asking
for the password. But when it comes to password submission, the login
page comes back (despite no HTTP errors). The cookie changes a few
times (which is possibly normal), but there seems to be *fewer*
cookies in the header than what "live http headers" shows firefox to
be exchanging.
Any ideas? Any tiaa-cref customers want to collaborate on this?
The script so far:
package require TclCurl
package require htmlparse
set url(top) ""
set userAgent "Mozilla/5.0"
set login_suburl "unset"
proc extract_form {args} {
#this procedure is needed to get the first login URL, which contains a unique string instead of a cookie
global login_suburl
foreach {tag slash param text} $args {break}
if {$tag == "form" && [regexp {action..([^\"]*)\".*} $param -> action]} {
set login_suburl "$action"
proc getLoginForm {curlHandle} {
$curlHandle configure -url ""\
-bodyvar html_form\
-errorbuffer errorBuffer
if {[catch {$curlHandle perform} r ] == 0} {
htmlparse::parse -cmd extract_form -incvar incomplete_html $html_form
} else {
puts "ERROR with getLoginForm perform operation"
return -code error $errorBuffer
proc getCookieAndPWform {curlHandle url fn_cookie} {
set post_userid_list [list "userId=MY_USER_NAME"\
$curlHandle configure -url $url\
-postfields [join $post_userid_list &]\
-writeheader $fn_cookie\
-file /tmp/tiaa-cref_password_page.html
if {[catch {$curlHandle perform} r] == 0} {
set httpCode [$curlHandle getinfo httpcode]
set contentType [$curlHandle getinfo contenttype]
set redirectCount [$curlHandle getinfo redirectcount]
set fileTime [$curlHandle getinfo filetime]
set effUrl [$curlHandle getinfo effectiveurl]
set totalTime [$curlHandle getinfo totaltime]
return $fn_cookie
} else {
return -code error "$r $errorBuffer"
proc supplyPW {curlHandle fn_cookie} {
set post_data_list [list "password=MY_PASSWORD" "securityQuestionAnswer=MY_SECURITY_ANSWER"]
$curlHandle configure -url ""\
-postfields [join $post_data_list &]\
-cookiefile $fn_cookie\
-writeheader $fn_cookie\
-file /tmp/tiaa-cref_account_page.html
if {[catch {$curlHandle perform} r] == 0} {
set httpCode [$curlHandle getinfo httpcode]
set contentType [$curlHandle getinfo contenttype]
set redirectCount [$curlHandle getinfo redirectcount]
set fileTime [$curlHandle getinfo filetime]
set effUrl [$curlHandle getinfo effectiveurl]
set totalTime [$curlHandle getinfo totaltime]
} else {
puts "ERROR1"
return -code error $errorBuffer
set curlHandle [ ::curl::init ]
$curlHandle configure -protocols https \
-verbose 1 \
-errorbuffer errorBuffer \
-failonerror 1 \
-followlocation 1 \
-useragent $userAgent
if {[catch {getLoginForm $curlHandle} r] == 0} {
set loginHandle $r
} else {
puts "ERROR:"
puts $r
$curlHandle cleanup
exit 1
if {[catch {getCookieAndPWform $curlHandle $url(top)/$login_suburl /tmp/tiaa-cref_cookie.txt} r] == 0} {
set fn_cookie $r
} else {
puts "ERROR:"
puts $r
$curlHandle cleanup
exit 1
if {[catch {supplyPW $curlHandle $fn_cookie} r] == 0} {
set fn_cookie $r
} else {
puts "ERROR:"
puts $r
$curlHandle cleanup
exit 1
$curlHandle cleanup
List admin:
Received on 2014-04-20