cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-users / Single Mail


Listing and moving mails in IMAP Inbox

From: No One <>
Date: Sun, 8 Dec 2013 22:34:04 +0000

I'm using curl 7.29.0 (i686-pc-linux-gnu) on Xubuntu 13.04. I tried to fetch a listing of my mails in my IMAP inbox using the following command:

> curl -u 'user:password' -X "EXAMINE INBOX" --url 'imaps://'

I got the command from this thread
However, curl only returns the text body of the oldest mail in my inbox. I also tried to get a top level folder list using the respective command from the mentioned thread and only got the same output(text body of oldest mail) as well.

Another question is whether it is possible to move a mail from one folder to another.

> Other commands can be issued, such as: [...] STORE to change the properties of an email

I suspect STORE is the right command but have no clue what the syntax should look like.



List admin:
Received on 2013-12-09