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RE: Problem using CURL behind a proxy using proxytunnel option, seemingly a bug has been introduced since version 2.27

From: Daniel Stenberg <>
Date: Thu, 12 Sep 2013 23:36:54 +0200 (CEST)

On Mon, 9 Sep 2013, wrote:

> - It's all about the --proxytunnel option and the fact we have an http proxy.


> Well from the summary above I concluded that the problem was in the version
> and not in the OS and it was still present in the most recent version so I'm
> here to try and get it fixed. All the logs were in the last mail but I guess
> they were hard to read. Would it work better if I attached them as text
> files? Or do you prefer separate emails for each log or something like that?

I don't think I need more logs.

Is seems to be a failure in Curl_proxyCONNECT() for the connect of the data
connection and I don't understand why and as I said previously I can't repeat
the error.

Any chance you can take this issue over to the curl-library list and try to
debug the Curl_proxyCONNECT function? Adding a bunch of printfs or whatever
could be a perfect start!

>>> PS2: It's a different topic, but I would like to add I don't like the
>>> dotdot removal 'feature'
>> Then you abuse URLs

> Well I wouldn't really call it abuse, although it is a tad creative perhaps.
> I prefer to see it as proper usage in a REST way of thinking.

I'd say RFC3986 disagrees with you. But if you want this to for example get an
option to get dotdot-removal switched off, I also suggest that you consider
making a patch for it and arguing for why we want this in libcurl - on the
curl-library list.

List admin:
Received on 2013-09-12