RE: user and password
Date: Fri, 15 Feb 2013 14:45:07 +0000
Anders Wollentz wrote:
>I am using curl at cli and wants to keep user names and passwords secret in Curl command lines.
>curl -X POST -k -H "Username:yyy" -H "Password:xxx" https://vplexcliipadress/vplex/help
>The simplest solution seems to be using -K -config config-.file
>But I cannot get the config file contents correct, is there anyone that can help me with this?
>curl -X POST -k -H "Username:service" -H "Password:Mi@Dim7T"
1) Using the expanded option names just to clarify things, your command would read:
curl --request POST --insecure --config-file myconfigfile https//...
with your options stored in file "myconfigfile"
2) I've created a config file with (Unix) commands like this:
print -- "--disable-epsv\n-u $LOGIN:$PASSWD" > /tmp/curlopt.$$
(If you're using Windows you'll need to the equivalent commands for that OS. )
As described in the cURL man page, you need to have each option on a separate line in the file. So you might do something like this:
print -- "-H Username:service \n -H Password:Mi_at_Dim7T" > myconfigfile
curl -X POST -k -K myconfigfile
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