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RE: Query regarding the caching problem faced with curl 7.19.3, how to disable cache usage ?

From: Bill Mercer <>
Date: Wed, 11 Jan 2012 22:44:29 +0000

You may want to try Cache-Control: no-cache. I believe the pragma: no-cache option is deprecated, but you might want to use both, in case your proxy server is old.
I'm not sure if you can set headers with curl_easy_setopt(), I haven't kept up with all that newfangled stuff. You might want to look at curl_slist_append().

Also, fyi, this list is aimed at users of the command line tool. For questions about using the curl library, you're probably better off using that mailing list.

>-----Original Message-----
>From: [mailto:curl-users-
>] On Behalf Of Arif Ali Saiyed
>Sent: Wednesday, January 11, 2012 8:07 AM
>Subject: Query regarding the caching problem faced with curl 7.19.3, how
>to disable cache usage ?
>Hi There,
> I am using curl 7.19.3 in my C++ code.
>My code fetches some http file, my problem is even after the file is
>being updated on web server,
>It's still downloading the cached copy of it.
>I want to know how to disable this behavior
>I have tried following easy set option but it did not work me
> curl_easy_setopt(handle, CURLOPT_FRESH_CONNECT, 1); //
>I guess this has got nothing to do with cache but still I tried and it
>did not help
> curl_easy_setopt(handle, CURLOPT_FORBID_REUSE, 1); //
>I guess this has got nothing to do with cache but still I tried and it
>did not help
> curl_easy_setopt(handle, CURLOPT_SSL_SESSIONID_CACHE, 0); //
>I guess this has got nothing to do with cache but still I tried and it
>did not help
>after some search I found that there is something called
>"Pragma:nochache" header,
>but I am not sure how to use this ? there is no curl_easy_setopt for
>doing this.
>Though its not needed following is the codesnippet of how I am using
> CURL* handle = curl_easy_init();
> if(handle)
> {
> currentStatus = kInitiated;
> curl_easy_setopt(handle, CURLOPT_URL, myFileName);
> curl_easy_setopt(handle, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION,
> err = curl_easy_perform(handle);
> curl_easy_cleanup(handle);
> curl_global_cleanup();
> currentStatus = kCompleted;
> }

List admin:
Received on 2012-01-11