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Re: Remove or replace automatically created ampersand (&) as a separating symbol

From: Daniel Stenberg <>
Date: Mon, 9 Jan 2012 23:52:11 +0100 (CET)

On Mon, 9 Jan 2012, ukasz Wrbel wrote:

> I have simple piece of code: curl -v --get --data-urlencode "some data to
> encode" http://some/target/url=
> Curl automatically constructs GET from "base" url and encoded data like
> this: GET /target/url=&some%20data%20to%20encode
> Insert ampersand (&) as a separating symbol between "base" url and encoded
> data.
> How do I remove automatically created separate symbol (&) or possibly
> replace it with another selected character?

Well, in your particular example curl _doesn't_ add an ampersand so it took me
a while to figure out what you're talking about.

However, if curl finds a question mark in the URL already present, it then
adds the data with a prepended ampersand. Like in:

   curl --get --data-urlencode "some one" "localhost/url?moo="

I consider it to be a bug to insert that ampersand prepended to the data, it
is meant to be put as a separator between separate pieces of data.

You want to work on fixing the check?


List admin:
Received on 2012-01-09