cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-users / Single Mail


Re: Bug with IPv6 and cookies

From: mailsvb <>
Date: Sun, 11 Sep 2011 18:02:24 +0200

thanks for your response.
The traces are from PHP libcurl extension (PHP 5.3.6 from the xampp
project), but I can reproduce the exact same problem with an older
version of curl compiled with IPv6 capabilities from the cygwin
project (7.20.1).

when using curl.exe command line tool, I am using --cookie-jar (-c)
for saving cookie information and --cookie for using them in the next
With either libcurl and PHP or the command line utility, I am excuting
curl 2 times (with 2 different URLs).
1) First URL for login and saving the cookie
2) Second URL for downloading information from the website (authorized
via cookie)

I am unable to use a newer version of curl for windows, because the
ones I can download from are not capable of IPv6!
I believe the libcurl extension of PHP should be up to date.

The weired thing is: I was able to work around this problem by
replacing "--cookie-jar" with "--dump-header" and "--cookie" with
"-b". I know this sounds unbelievable but the combination of
"--dump-header" and "-b" instead of "--cookie-jar" and "--cookie"
seems not to be affected by the issue.

Hope this answers your questions. If you have other or additional
questions, please let me know!

best regards,

2011/9/9 Daniel Stenberg <>:
> On Fri, 9 Sep 2011, Daniel Stenberg wrote:
>> How do you invoke curl when you see this problem? Do you use -c to save
>> the cookies or just -b and specify two URLs on the same command line?
> And also, what curl version is this on what platform?
> It looks like you're not actually using the curl tool, are you?
> --
>  /
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Received on 2011-09-11