Re: pcap output
Date: Fri, 17 Jun 2011 12:24:03 +0200
"Daniel Nagy" <> wrote:
> This works for curl because it speaks http , but it looks different for other programs. Sure, I will have a look at
> your suggested --trace arguments, but that would only do it for curl. having a pcapwrapper I could wrap it
> around every network program and see its traffic in a pcap file which only contains traffic from that program.
> e.g.:
> $ pcapout --outfile=apt.pcap apt-get update
I once had an idea for libpcap; make an extension to the filter-syntax that let
one read traffic to/from only a certain process (pid). E.g. 'tcpdump port http && pid == 123'.
So in your above program, pcapout could spawn 'apt-get', find it's pid and start a libpcap
capture-thread with the pid in the filter. Hooking every system network-call (as you suggested)
would get you a little more details, but it would be much more difficult and prone to problems
I think.
How to get the list of processes in relation to open/listening ports is another matter.
On Win-XP SP3 and later it's relatively easy with the IPhlpAPI and the 'GetExtendedTcpTable'
function. Here is a working example:
On other OS'es one need to check how 'netstat' works on those.
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Received on 2011-06-17