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RE: sftp Command Line help

From: Young,Jim <>
Date: Fri, 15 Apr 2011 16:46:28 -0500

>I am trying to ftp a file via sftp protocol to a client:

>curl -u username --key C:\cygwin\home\XJ0002T\.ssh\id_rsa --pubkey c:\cygwin\home\XJ0002T\.ssh\ -
>T c:\temp2\test4.txt sftp://server/SFTP/ --insecure

>Enter host password for user 'XJ0002T':

>Curl keeps asking me for a password. I have tried key pairs using OpenSSH and puttyGen, neither worked. Can someone tell me what I am doing wrong?

As a starter, you could add the -v option which will display some of the negotiation over how authentication is proceeding.
Secondly - are you trying to get it to authenticate without using a password? If so, does the server allow that? Is the server setup correctly with the public key in place so this works from a simple sftp client using the keys from your call line?

Jim Young

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Received on 2011-04-15