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Re: curl ftps

From: kalin m <>
Date: Tue, 01 Mar 2011 20:39:00 -0500

On 3/1/11 8:23 PM, Dan Fandrich wrote:
>> that's not really what happens. even with --ftp-ssl it tries port 21 and eventually times out.
> If you'd like advice, you'll have to supply more information. A debug log
> is a minimum.

you are right. here:

# curl -vvvv --ftp-ssl -k -3 'ftp://user:pass@xx.xx.xx.xx/in/' -T test900 --ftp-ssl-control
* About to connect() to xx.xx.xx.xx port 21 (#0)
* Trying xx.xx.xx.xx... Connection timed out
* couldn't connect to host
* Closing connection #0

curl: (7) couldn't connect to host

>>>> i tried this from 3 different os machines. only one machine works - an os x. with OpenSSL 1.0.0c
>>>> this is what works on the os x:
>>>> curl --ftp-ssl -vvvv -3 -k 'ftps://user:pass_at_xx.xx.xx.xx/in/' -T test113
>>> Are you saying that curl actually does connect to the desired server
>>> successfully from one machine?
>> yes.
>>> If it works from there, it should work
>>> the same way from other machines.
>> right.
>>>> .....
>>>> configure: WARNING: SSL disabled, you will not be able to use HTTPS, FTPS, NTLM and more.
>>>> configure: WARNING: Use --with-ssl, --with-gnutls, --with-polarssl, --with-nss or --with-axtls to address this.
>> so in short - after some pain i did get this resolved. i'd think that all this should have been resolved in the last 3 and a half years but i guess it's not a priority.
> Did you follow the advice in that bug entry?

yes. the one on the very bottom: Comment By: Dan Fandrich (dfandrich) Date: 2008-07-24 20:50. (i guess this is your comment?!)

> Did you report a problem to
> the OpenSSL developers?

no, i have not. i guess i should.

> I'm not aware of any outstanding problem in the
> curl build tools in this area.

again, thanks for you help with this. much appreciated.

>>>> Dan
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Received on 2011-03-02