cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-users / Single Mail


RE: cURL command Line Sytnax

From: Young,Jim <>
Date: Thu, 17 Feb 2011 15:00:54 -0600

>Hello. Using the cmd window, I have successfully downloaded a file
>using the following code:
>curl -k -o ContentExposure20110214.xls -L -b cookies.txt
>however I want to save the file in a directory other than the curl
>directory, which is the default.

I haven't tried this on Windows but ... if you change the "-o ContentExposure20110214.xls" option in your example to
"-o c:\yourFavoriteDirectory\ContentExposure20110214.xls" where "c:\yourFavoriteDirectory\" is the location you want the .xls file to end up in. Does that work?

> I saw the --create-dirs command on ...

You would use "--create-dirs" if, from the previous example, directory "c:\yourFavoriteDirectory\" might not exist on your system. Curl would then create that directory if it didn't already exist.

Jim Young

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Received on 2011-02-17