Re: [PATCH] save URL to extended file attributes
Date: Fri, 5 Nov 2010 12:30:45 +0100
Dies schrieb Kamil Dudka (
> I don't think it was. It looks rather as a mixture to me -- inclusion of
> a header provided by libattr, but the library wasn't linked, so it actually
> couldn't use anything of its implementation.
Actually, the linking of libattr is not needed - the function setxattr is already
defined by glibc, and the inclusion of <attr/xattr.h> can be changed to <sys/xattr.h>
without trouble.
> > /usr/include/sys/xattr.h is the Linux system header
> On my boxes (RHEL, Fedora, Gentoo Linux) the header is provided by glibc.
stefan_at_exa:~$ dpkg -S /usr/include/sys/xattr.h
libc6-dev: /usr/include/sys/xattr.h
> > Even more reason to do a configure test for this, as I expect that lots of
> > people won't have libattr present.
And from what I see, it's not even needed, I'll do some more tests and
reformulate the patch.
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Received on 2010-11-05