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Réf. Re: UTF-8 encoding during transfer

From: <>
Date: Fri, 24 Sep 2010 11:13:35 +0200


Thanks for your answer and sorry for the late reply.
Actually I don"t really know what to understand when you ask if the files
are the same length at each end...
Anyway even if the issue isn't solved yet, I don't think I'll investigate
more on this since no such characters will be used for the transfers

Thanks again for the help provided.

---------- Message transféré ----------
De : "Doug McNutt" <>
Date : 2010 9 16 00:17
Objet : Re: UTF-8 encoding during transfer
À : "the curl tool" <>

At 23:33 +0200 9/15/10, Vincent Préau wrote:
curl is running on a Linux client, where files are simply created with vi.
The FTPS server is an AIX server so I really can't guess where it's going
wrong... I'll try to look at more details (if available) in FZ logs in
order to check if there's an implicit conversion or something like that.

Are the files the same length at each end? Utf-8 converted to one of the
Windoze extended ASCII would get shorter.

Also, FTP, in ACSII or TEXT mode, can attempt to change line ends from 0A
to 0D0A for Windows and the rest of the internet. That also changes the
length of files. I doubt that curl would use FTP TEXT mode unless you
worked at it.

--> A fair tax is one that you pay but I don't <--
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Received on 2010-09-24