cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-users / Single Mail


Re: Desperate about the deadline 16th August

From: Scott Haneda <>
Date: Fri, 6 Aug 2010 10:54:59 -0700

On Aug 6, 2010, at 10:44 AM, Alex Bligh <> wrote:

> --On 6 August 2010 09:40:54 -0700 Scott Haneda <> wrote:
>> So it is a possibility? It seems too narrow a feature to be part of curl.
> OAuth is an IETF standard, OAuth 1.0 being RFC5849, and OAuth 2.0 being
> in draft status in the OAuth working group. Compared to some of the arcana
> curl supports, it's pretty mainstream.
> I'm not volunteering to do the work, but I will say (as a newbie who
> decided to hack curl source a while ago) it's pretty easy to get into.

Interesting. Thanks for the info. I had no idea oauth was IETF standardized. I thought it was a neat and great way to do things; but had no idea it was codified as a standard.

It will be nice to rip out the several hundred lines and handful of files I need to integrate oauth in my sites.

I look forward to seeing oauth integration in curl natively.

Scott * If you contact me off list replace talklists@ with scott@ *

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Received on 2010-08-06