cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-users / Single Mail


curl, absolute and relative references

From: Scott Haneda <>
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 2010 09:44:02 -0700

Hello curl users,

Is it possible in curl to request and http resource and have all internal references converted to absolute url's?

For example: <img src="../../pic.jpg"> would become <img src="">

I am thinking there may be a chance that I can replace out </head> with a base href meta setting, but wanted to ask first to make sure this is not one of the many features of curl I was unaware of.

If not, would it be a useful candidate for a feature request? Any suggestions on how to curl a http file down, and have a self contained file that represents a modified version of the original for working offline?

My goal is to go from source url to rendered pdf.

Thank you for any suggestions. If any part of this is OT beyond the initial curl related question, feel free to drop that part of the email, and I apologize.

Scott * If you contact me off list replace talklists@ with scott@ * 
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Received on 2010-06-17