cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-users / Single Mail


Write-out to file?

From: Alec Gregory <>
Date: Thu, 20 May 2010 12:34:02 +0100

Hullo cURL users,

I’m utterly new, but already really impressed by the functionality and ease
of use of cURL. I am currently using it in conjunction with a Filemaker Pro
database to send (and get) files via ftp and http. That is, I run a
Filemaker script that sends a cURL command to the windows command line. What
I do want Filemaker to be able to do, though, is work out whether a certain
process (say, uploading a file to an ftp) has been successful. I’m not
expecting cURL to fail, but it’s perfectly possible, for example, for
someone to tell cURL to upload a file that doesn’t exist. So really, I want
cURL to create a txt file giving write-out details. Filemaker could then
import this file and work out if the transfer went down OK. I optimistically
tried using –o after my –w but unsurprisingly that didn’t create a file with
the write out in. Is there any other way to do it?



List admin:
Received on 2010-05-20