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Re: Popups Blocked

From: Ralph Mitchell <>
Date: Fri, 7 May 2010 17:32:59 -0400

On Fri, May 7, 2010 at 3:16 PM, Chad Clary <> wrote:

> All,
> Is there a way to make curl pretend to turn on popups? I am attempting to
> browse a site and receive
> the following reponse:
> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"><html
> dir="ltr" lang="en-US"><head><meta name="generator" content="Oracle
> UIX"><link rel="stylesheet" charset="UTF-8" type="text/css"
> href="/em/cabo/styles/cache/oracle-desktop-11_1_1_2_0-en.css"><script>var
> _UixWindowOpenError='A popup window blocker has been detected in your
> browser. Popup blockers interfere with the operation of this application.
> Please disable your popup blocker or allow popups from this
> site.'</script><script
> src="/em/cabo/jsLibs/Common11_1_1_2_0.js"></script><script>_defaultTZ()</script><title>Oracle
> Enterprise Manager</title><noScript>JavaScript is not supported by your
> browser. Oracle requires JavaScript support in order to completely render
> this page.</noScript><script src="/em/jsLibs/launchHelp.js"
> language="javascript"></script></head><body class="xg"
> style="visibility:hidden" onload="return
> _chain('_checkLoad(event)','loadIt();',this,event)"
> onunload="_checkUnload(event)"><script>
> I haven't found any way to bypass this. Any ideas?

If it's really wanting popups enabled, I would imagine that the popup does
something like set a cookie, or redirect the page to another page, or maybe
it even does something tricky with javascript. What you need to do is chase
down everything it wants to get - javascript, css files, even images, and
see what each of them does.

A good start would be to access the site using Firefox with LiveHTTPHeaders
installed. That'll capture the interaction between you and the website.
 Then start grabbing individual files and examine each one.

Good Luck!!

Ralph Mitchell

List admin:
Received on 2010-05-07