cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-users / Single Mail


Re: curl: Argument list too long

From: Harry <>
Date: Fri, 4 Dec 2009 16:22:33 +0000

>--- On Thu, 12/3/09, Harry <> wrote:

>> From: Harry <>
>> Subject: curl: Argument list too long
>> To:
>>> Date: Thursday, December 3, 2009, 9:23 PM
>> Hi, I am trying to get cURL to upload
>> an image scrotted onto a PHP file uploader.
>> Here is my code so far, if you can help me, I'd be glad.
>> #!/bin/bash
>> scrot screenshot.png
>> curl -v -A "scrotty-v1" "" --max-time '60'
>> --max-filesize '5000000' -F "mailfile=`cat screenshot.png`"
>> At the moment, I get "curl: Argument list too long".
>> Thank you in advance.
>> -------------------------------------------------------------------
>"mailfile=`cat screenshot.png`"
>part looks strange to me. This is because
>cat screenshot.png
>is executed, and then its stdout is placed into the double quoted string, the whole
>"mailfile=`cat screenshot.png`"
>is 'mailfile=' plus contents of 'screenshot.png' file, And I think this is
>what makes your command too line long.
>OTOH, you command line doesn't make sense to because of the above in the first place.
>Did you mean regular single quotes ("'") and not the backquotes ("`") ?
> Sergei.

Hi, the script is used for uploading an image to a PHP file uploader.
It's intentional to make the contents of the screenshot file uploaded, or I would think so.

Unless you suggest a better way to upload the screenshot.png onto the server, via that PHP upload form?
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Received on 2009-12-04