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Re: How to POST a File to HTTPS via curl

From: Daniel Stenberg <>
Date: Wed, 23 Sep 2009 13:38:54 +0200 (CEST)

On Wed, 23 Sep 2009, Gius, Elif wrote:

> I searched the mailing lists and I found some good entries. But I couldn't
> still solve my problem. I appreciate any suggestions. I have to upload a
> file to a secure site. I'm trying following command:
> curl -v -k -d "v_csvInput=bla.csv" https://URL/TestUpload

This is a common request. And a common problem since you don't specify what
"upload a file" means more specificly. Most commonly you use multipart
formposts when uploading on "the web" which is what curl's -F option is for.
But PUT is the more HTTP-oriented way of doing "file uploads"...

> Description of remote site looks like this:
> <method name="TestUpload">
> <param name="v_csvInput" type="String" optional="false" />
> </method>

Well, that's not HTML so it doesn't really describe how the HTTP request
should look like. That looks like a writup for some other system, and how that
gets translated to HTTP is beyond what I know.

List admin:
Received on 2009-09-23