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CURl 56 : Failure when receiving data from the peer

From: rajashri bhor <>
Date: Wed, 16 Sep 2009 14:19:04 +0530 (IST)

hello, i am trying to download ~500 MB of data from remote machine using SFTP. I am getting Error code 56 with error string "failure when receiving data from the peer". Following code works fine when tried to download data from local machine. please have a look at following code snippet and let me know if something is wrong. CODE snippet : int cmdGetFile (const char *username, const char *password, const char *hostip, const char *srcFile, const char *destFile, int resumeFlag, int largeFile /* =0 */) { CURL *curl = NULL; CURLcode res = CURLE_OK; /* get the file size of the local file */ struct stat file_info; if (stat (destFile, &file_info) == -1) { file_info.st_size = 0; } struct FtpFile ftpfile; ftpfile.filename = destFile; = NULL; curl_global_init (CURL_GLOBAL_ALL); curl = curl_easy_init (); if (curl) { string url = string ("sftp://") + hostip + srcFile; string userpwd = username + string (":") + password; curl_easy_setopt (curl, CURLOPT_URL, url.c_str ()); curl_easy_setopt (curl, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, my_fwrite); curl_easy_setopt (curl, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, &ftpfile); curl_easy_setopt (curl, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, 1L); curl_easy_setopt (curl, CURLOPT_USERPWD, userpwd.c_str ()); curl_easy_setopt (curl, CURLOPT_FTP_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT, 2100L); if (resumeFlag == 1) { curl_easy_setopt (curl, (largeFile) ? CURLOPT_RESUME_FROM_LARGE : CURLOPT_RESUME_FROM,file_info.st_size); } /* Now run off and do what you've been told! */ res = curl_easy_perform (curl); /* always cleanup */ curl_easy_cleanup (curl); } if( fclose(; /* close the local file */ curl_global_cleanup (); return int(res); } static size_t my_fwrite (void *buffer, size_t size, size_t nmemb, void *stream) { struct FtpFile *out = (struct FtpFile *) stream; if (out && !out->stream) { /* open file for writing */ out->stream = fopen (out->filename, "wb"); if (!out->stream) { return (-1); /* failure, can't open file to write */ } } return (fwrite (buffer, size, nmemb, out->stream)); } Thanks, Rajashri Bhor. Yahoo! India has a new look. Take a sneak peek

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Received on 2009-09-16