cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-users / Single Mail


Re: Using curl to automate timed transmissions

From: mutumba wycliff <>
Date: Fri, 14 Aug 2009 16:14:44 +0300

Hello all,

I have some challenge that I felt I would share with you so I get ideas on
how to proceed;
The Task goes as follows;

I would like to write a program for data Transmission over https;
The transmision will be 2-way to and fro.

For the to leg,
My application should generate a text file with some data at specified
frequency (e.g every 5 minutes), dump it in some folder ready for
transmission to some location over a https.
Having transmitted the file , the receiver would send an acknowledgment to
my application (in the request parameter of the
HTTPS request at the given HTTPS URL). Incase my sender application does not
receive the acknowledgment within the stated time interval of the
transmission frequency. Its should retransmit the file.

Similary, for the From leg,
My application will receive some text files from a third party application
over an HTTPS URL that I would have provided.
On receipt of the file, my application should send an acknowledgement of the
file received. Incase it doesn't sent the acknowledgement within the
specified interval, the sender third party application will assume the file
was not received and so it will retransmit.

Other details,
The third party application will provide the URL for the data transmission
of acknowledgement. The medium of communicating the acknowledgement shall be
through the request parameter of the HTTPS request at the given URL.

The transmission channel shall be HTTPS
The frequency of files will be say 5 minutes but configurable.

What is the best approach I should take?
Can I achieve this with CURL,
How should I handle the transmission frequency (use some shell scripting to
handle the scheduling of the transmissions)?
How should I handle the transmission acknowledgements to and fro?


is there Curl for windows, how do we build it?

On 8/6/09, John Meissen <> wrote:
> said:
> > So does this mean that curl will be installed & configured so I will just
> need
> > to issue the curl command at the prompt? Or there are addition
> configurations
> > to do after.
> You should not need to do any additional configuration. It should be
> immediately available from the command prompt.
> john-
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Received on 2009-08-14