cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-users / Single Mail


PC curl availability

From: Steve Roberts <>
Date: Tue, 9 Jun 2009 19:48:31 -0700

I'm a curl noob. I need a command line tool to interact with web forms on
an https site. I've been blocked with other methods so thought I'd try to
get familiar with curl. However what I'm doing will be loosely integrated
with an application and deployed to (hopefully) hundreds of users. I
started by downloading a generic win32 7.19.5 SSL binary then I downloaded
the shininglightpro OpenSSL package and then it told me I needed the Visual
C++ Redistributables. I didn't see any end in sight. The problem is that I
can't expect my users to install all this stuff to use my simple
application. I don't mind pasting things together but will this result in
an executable that I can share with my users in such a way that they will
not have to install a bunch of stuff?


List admin:
Received on 2009-06-10