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RE: Question regarding using the ssl sessionid usage

From: Niranjan Ramakrishnan <>
Date: Tue, 21 Apr 2009 15:51:21 -0700

Thanks Ray.I have moved this to the curl-library discussion.


Ah, ok. The ability to control SSL sessions (when they are created versus reused) is something that few HTTP load testing tools get right. For example, LoadRunner, Silk Performer and Rational Performance Tester are products that don't give you that level of control. The most common thing is for these tools to simply reuse SSL sessions and that may be the only thing you want. But that ability to control when a new SSL session is created makes cURL stand out in the category of load testing tools, at least in my mind.

But to get the level of control you want, you have to use libcurl. Don't discount this as being too difficult. You also get a lot faster performance on the load generating side by using libcurl. It's fast even if you choose to drive it with a scripting language like Perl, which is my favorite, because the engine is written in C.

There are many simple examples out there. I am willing to point you to the instructions and examples if you want, but we should move this discussion to curl-library if you do. Let me know what platform you are on (e.g. Windows or Linux) and what scripting language you want to use.

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Received on 2009-04-22