cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-users / Single Mail


cURL starting questions

From: Jason Todd Slack-Moehrle <>
Date: Sat, 18 Apr 2009 21:25:24 -0700

Hi All,

I have some starting cURL questions that I am hoping to gain insight

I want to start at and follow links for entertainment (like
concerts, art gallery events, etc) and examine the link to see if I
should get data back about it and from it.

My questions:

1. Can cURL start at a given URL and examine every link (based upon my

2. If I find a link that has certain keywords that I find of interest,
can I hit that link of interest and get information from that page?

3. How do I get the information about the link of interest and its
content of interest into a MySQL database? (I know ColdFusion and
MySQL and PHP). I think what I am asking is how do I get back to my
database from a crawler?

4. I bought Webbots, spiders and screen scrapers in PHP and so far it
is interesting, but I am wondering what best practices are..

Am I making any sense?


List admin:
Received on 2009-04-19