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Re: Want to dump telemetry to a file....

From: Lars Nilsson <>
Date: Wed, 18 Feb 2009 19:36:44 -0500

On Wed, Feb 18, 2009 at 5:42 PM, Andrew Wallo
<> wrote:
> To a file, or another ouput.... and I can't get it to happen. Something
> about Curl using its output stream to handle both the file download and the
> report to the cmd line...and it turning it off during each task or
> something.... which makes no sense because it updates through the dnld
> process. The information is under the help topic [ -o filename.txt ] ( Also
> makes no sense ) Because -o is the switch for the local-target-name of the
> file that your downloading. Don't know why that affects my output to the
> cmd line... or why I can't pipe the results of the entire cmd line to a
> file with
> "> downloadtelemetry.txt"
> ( That results in me getting a successful download of filename.txt and an
> empty telemetry file. )

Have you tried using 2> instead of > to redirect stderr to a file?

Lars Nilsson
List admin:
Received on 2009-02-19