cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-users / Single Mail


TFTP file transfer issues

From: vijay g <>
Date: Fri, 13 Feb 2009 10:46:25 +0530


I am getting the following errors when am using TFTP for file transfer. I am
trying to read a 64MB file from the TFTP server. I am using curl 7.19.2 lib.

At around 55MB, the log "Failed writing body (0 != 512)" is seen and the
TFTP transfer is terminated.It always happens at the same point. I know that
the error is in lib/sendf.c but am not sure what is causing this issue. Any
suggestions as to what is causing this issue will be helpful. I am using
Cisco TFTP server and also Tftpd32 server.

Does file transfer of 64MB file supported by curl TFTP lib.At 113095th
packet (65535+47560 ) , this issue is seen. It is seen always at this point.

I tried changing the TFTP_BLOCKSIZE from 512 to 1024. But tftp i sending out
just a 512 byte packet and stopping.Is changing the block size from 512 to
1024 supported in curl .

Kindly can any one tell me what is causing the issue.

Thanks in advance.


List admin:
Received on 2009-02-13