cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-users / Single Mail


Downloading page source code

From: Pedro <>
Date: Wed, 28 Jan 2009 23:05:10 -0200

Hello Everybody,

I'm Pedro, this is my first message here. So, here's the thing.
I'm working on a website and I use some of the file-sharing websites to
host my stuff. So I though I could use cURL to download the html of some
of my links to a file, and check if the file is still online. In this
case, I would search for some strings inside the html code, like, "File
not found", or "Not available anymore", etc...
I tried the -o command with some basic html files, and it all worked
like it should. but when i tried with, ( ) it dit not work, i think maybe
it's because i dont know the file extension...I realy don 't get it,
sorry for the noob question. anyone know how could I download URL's
similar to this one?

Thanks for your time.
List admin:
Received on 2009-01-29