cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-users / Single Mail


Problems and infos

From: Massimiliano Cuttini <>
Date: Sat, 22 Nov 2008 18:39:40 +0100

Hi everybody,

thank all developers to develop cURL, i'm using this library with PHP since 7 months and i found it very usefull (and extremelly powerfull).

Now i have a problem with a script that simulate the human navigation on a website (it solve me the problem to load new order to one of my supplier automatically when it's required).

The script:
  a.. logon
  b.. get the session
  c.. perform operations correctly (i already developed more than 18 commands).
However yesterday i found a operation (simple POST on a page) that i cannot perform.
I see that i get "CURL: Empty reply from server (52)".

I guess that the page response just with a "die();" founding something that don't suit correctly the operation. But same POST on Firefox works.

I have already check:
  a.. form data details, they are full written
  b.. i compile always the referer header tag.
  c.. no other data details are added or modded by Javascript on submit.
  d.. it's generated a http responde code 100, that's fine, but no other info are included
  e.. the presence of further session (but there are not further session on that specific page).
  f.. user agent, it was not necessary to perform other operation but when i get this error i decided to overwrite it and disguise to "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; it; rv: Gecko/2008102920 Firefox/3.0.4"
I perform that operation correctly on Firefox (even if I transform it to a GET), but cURL could not get the landing page, it always get a blank one.

So, is there an eventuality that CURL could be blocked by server side even if disguised to Firefox?

I think that my supplier have nothing wrong with CURL.

Thank you for all the help you can give me!

Best regards,


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Received on 2008-11-22