cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-users / Single Mail


Re: Turning on NTLM proxies, causes some form variables to not be sent

From: Theodore H. Smith <>
Date: Wed, 29 Oct 2008 22:45:57 +0000

>> Undefined 'lea'
>> "Undefined 'lea'" is an error MY perl scripts are returning. That
>> means... they didn't see the "lea". However, I DID pass it there!!!
>> You can see "lea=le2". So I am passing it!
> Use the "--trace-ascii dump.txt" option to get to see exactly what
> curl sent (and received).

OK, I did that.

But something strange has happened in the mean time. My server now
accepts the string that previously it rejected. I've seen this before.
It works and then it doesn't work... almost randomly. But yes, in the
dump, an "lea" of "le2" is there.

005b: ------------------------------3f19fba5ed25
0087: Content-Disposition: form-data; name="lea"
00b5: le2

Let's say the problem WAS my NTLM proxy.

How could I prove this, 100%? Perhaps if I had a different NTLM server
that worked?


List admin:
Received on 2008-10-29