cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-users / Single Mail


The results of your email commands

From: <>
Date: Tue, 28 Oct 2008 22:42:07 +0100

The results of your email command are provided below. Attached is your
original message.

- Results:
    Ignoring non-text/plain MIME parts

- Unprocessed:
    was blocked by our Spam Firewall. The email you sent with the following subject has NOT BEEN DELIVERED:
    Subject: CH!l.D P.0RN and P!rate S0ftware

- Done.

attached mail follows:

Your message to:
was blocked by our Spam Firewall. The email you sent with the following subject has NOT BEEN DELIVERED:

Subject: CH!l.D P.0RN and P!rate S0ftware

Received on 2008-10-28