cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-users / Single Mail


Re: curl - resolve http requst on terminal but not in my program

From: Jochen Roderburg <>
Date: Thu, 11 Sep 2008 16:56:38 +0200

Zitat von "Dan Fandrich" <>:

> Your original curl command-line is about the most simple you could imagine.
> The only complication is setting the proxy, and you've left out that
> information. Google is very sensitive about the requests it gets and rejects
> anything that it thinks is a spider. The other thing I see missing from
> your log is a User-Agent, and that's definitely something that could cause
> problems in this case. Try using the -v option on the curl command-line and
> compare the request that curl sends with that sent by your program.

They definitely seem to want a User-Agent header there. If you do the
command line call without one as in
curl -A "" "" -o "file1"
you also get a "403 Forbidden" error and find the following text in
the output:

Google Error
We're sorry...

... but your query looks similar to automated requests from a computer
virus or spyware application. To protect our users, we can't process
your request right now.

Best regards,

Jochen Roderburg
University of Cologne
Robert-Koch-Str. 10 Tel.: +49-221/478-7024
D-50931 Koeln E-Mail: Roderburg_at_Uni-Koeln.DE

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Received on 2008-09-11