Re: Post in a forum
Date: Sun, 31 Aug 2008 12:47:56 +0200
Daniel, good new !
I noticed this 2 parameters in the LiveHTTP log, which change every time :
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="creation_time"
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="form_token"
In the source-code of the form reply :
/<input name="creation_time" value="1220177192" type="hidden">
<input name="form_token" value="14ff2ec30257562e22c5485ea86e42ab09218d20" type="hidden">/
/And it was necessary to extract them in the same way it is necessary to
extract the SID. I've finally written this shell script
cd ~/Desktop
# Connexion
# + first we have to login in the forum to keep authentification's cookies
curl -A "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; fr; rv:
Gecko/2008070400 SUSE/3.0.1-7.1 Firefox/3.0.1" -d
"username=username&password=password&login=Connexion" -c "Cookie1.txt"
"" > coucou.txt
# Récupération du SID / now we keep the SID from the authentification's
SID=$(grep -o -m1 "sid=.*\"" coucou.txt | sed 's/sid=//g;s/"//g')
# We go now in the page of the reply and save it as FormRep.html to
extract this 2 values (FormToken & creation_time)
curl -A "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; fr; rv:
Gecko/2008070400 SUSE/3.0.1-7.1 Firefox/3.0.1" -b "Cookie1.txt"
"" >
FormToken=$(grep "form_token" FormRep.html | sed -e 's/^.*="//g;s/" \/>//g')
creation_time=$(grep "creation_time" FormRep.html | sed -e
's/^.*="//g;s/" \/>//g')
# It's time to post the reply using all this data (except the -v option,
I don't know if all is necessary, but it works)
curl -v -A "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; fr; rv:
Gecko/2008070400 SUSE/3.0.1-7.1 Firefox/3.0.1" -e
"" -b
"Cookie1.txt" -F "subject=Re: Test" -F addbbcode20=100 -F message=Hello
-F topic_cur_post_id=844 -F lastclick=1220128290 -F post=Envoyer -F
attach_sig=on -F notify=on -F creation_time=$creation_time -F
form_token=$FormToken -F fileupload= -F filename= -F filecomment=
> ReponseForum.html
And the reply "Hello" appear in the forum.
What d'you think about that ?
List admin:
Received on 2008-08-31