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Re: Install problems with curl 7.18.2

From: Dan Fandrich <>
Date: Sat, 26 Jul 2008 11:53:55 -0700

On Sat, Jul 26, 2008 at 08:56:44AM -0700, Denise Mauldin wrote:
> I'm installing curl 7.18.2 on a linux system with a
> prefix. After doing a ./configure and make, curl has

The prefix shouldn't make a difference because the tests are run on the
built but non-installed curl binaries.

> problems with the tests - it always claims that a server is
> already running. This isn't actually true, it's
> that curl is failing to connect (with an error 28
> Connection time-out) to any URL. I'm not getting any
> errors on the ./configure or the make though, so I'm
> not sure what to do to figure out what's going wrong.

Try running the tests with the -d, -v and -p options (e.g.
make test TEST_Q='-a -n -d -v -p'). There might be some clues in the
output as to what's going on. Could it be an over-agressive firewall that
disallows any connections to localhost?

>>> Dan

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Received on 2008-07-26