Re: Many New Lines in multipart/form-data post
Date: Fri, 18 Jul 2008 22:56:52 +0200 (CEST)
On Fri, 18 Jul 2008, Scott Manicke wrote:
> I am currently using curl 7.15.1 in a perl script on Linux.
Then you should consider upgrading!
> The script is attempting to do a multipart/form-data post to the a web page,
> but one of the fields has many new lines in it. 2895 to be exact. In the
> script the command line call never gets
The command line call never gets what?
> because I believe the command is larger than the actual buffer the operating
> system can handle.
Command lines are handled by the shell, and most typical modern linux shells
deal with >100K lines easily. But sure, at times you need pass data to
commands on stdin or by using temp-files to avoid such limits.
> Is there a way to do this using the -d option?
I thought you said multipart/form-data and then you want -F, right?
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