RE: Build Errors
Date: Thu, 20 Mar 2008 14:02:52 -0400
I am trying to install the latest version
Although I am trying to build the Redhat source rpm on CentOS 4 ..
Would that be the problem ? the latest version for CentOS 4 is 7.12.xx but
I am having an issue with SSL sessions not being retrieved into the cookie
file .. I read a posting of a fix by an individual back in october 2007 I
believe.. so I guess its been updated since..
-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Dan Fandrich
Sent: March 20, 2008 12:20 PM
Subject: Re: Build Errors
On Thu, Mar 20, 2008 at 11:01:14AM -0400, insaini wrote:
> Hi, I have been trying to install the latest version of curl now for a few
> hours.
> I am trying to install the redhat src rpm.
> I am using the command rpmbuild ?bb curl.spec
> I initially ran into the problem of not having libssh2 installed and after
> installing I finally received these errors
> test 553...OK (369 out of 420, remaining: 01:53)
> Will not run ssh server as root to mitigate security risks
> RUN: failed to start the SSH server
> test 704...OK (390 out of 420, remaining: 01:04)
> test 1012...OK (406 out of 420, remaining: 00:29)
> test 1013...Mismatch in protocols lists:
> curl: dict file ftp ftps http https scp sftp telnet tftp
> curl-config: dict file ftp ftps http https ldaps scp sftp telnet tftp
> postcheck FAILED
> test 1014...OK (408 out of 420, remaining: 00:25)
These errors sound like ones that were fixed some time ago. What version
of curl are you trying to install?
>>> Dan
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