Can't post with Content-Length longer than 1024 bytes
Date: Sat, 16 Feb 2008 22:22:02 -0700
I'm trying to automate a posting mechanism to forums, and as such, I often
have messages that are fairly long, typically between 8k and 12k in size.
I'm using the -d "name=data" approach, and after many trial and error
attempts, I've determined that if the data adds up to a Content-Length
longer than 1024 bytes, curl doesn't properly send the POST data, and the
server answers back with error 417.
I'm looking for a work-around, while at the same time i guess I'll takle the
source code (I've compiled version 7.18) and try changing any 1024 I find to
something larger and see if it helps.
I'm not even sure at this point if it might be a bash command line limit,
although I suspect not since running the "ulimit" command showed that most
limits were set to "unlimited".
Any help would be appreciated!
Received on 2008-02-17