cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-users / Single Mail


Curl query

From: Preetam Joshi <>
Date: Tue, 29 Jan 2008 17:25:52 +0530

Hello all,

I am using curl command line tool, i am facing problem in sending a url from
a file. Suppose my filename is new_url.txt I want to read the url from this
file and pass it to curl, how do i do it. I tried using -F @filename. It
saays badly formatted input field and -F illegally used here.

How do i achieve the url passing from file.

Please reply

Thanks and Regards,
Software Engineer
Nexeia Technologies
Tel: 4005 6799/6899. Ext: 23
Fax: 4005 2899
Its the Attitude and not the Aptitude that Defines the Altitude.
Received on 2008-01-29